Shimek Forest has a 911 Address
Good News Update from Lick Creek Unit - Shimek State Forest 4/28/22
Let's start at the entrance. See the 911 sign in the photo? Lick Creek now has its own 911 Address. No, don't start having your mail delivered here when camping -- But if you need any emergency service such as medical, police, or fire services while there, give this 911 address when you call on your cell phone. Also tell them where in Lick Creek to come (Upper Campground, Lower Campground or other location).
Shimek State Forest - Lick Creek Unit
1176 Highway 2
Farmington, IA 52626.
Next--the road into the campgrounds has been graded and smoothed so that is oh so much better for pulling your horses in trailers--not jarring their teeth right now. The rains and winter had really put the road in bad shape --so we are thrilled to find it in good shape, for now. Thanks much to the road crew.
Forester John Byrd and the DNR Crew have been clearing the downed trees off the trails. Our intrepid rider and Board Member Marsha Achenbach rode the Wet Weather Trails today--rain or not (yes-it rained there today!)--and let us know that all the downed trees have been cleared off the Wet Weather Trail--save one newly fallen smallish one your horse can step over (well, hers did anyway). She says: "It's on the smaller WWT section across the creek. Then if going clockwise around the loop—just past the step over is a nice patch of bluebells on the left.":
So the last piece of great news--the spring wildflowers are in full swing at the moment--the lovely bluebells are here--almost two weeks later than expected --and so are spring beauties, violets, false rue anemone, Dutchmen's breeches and other early spring flowers to enjoy. Morels are rumored as they have been found in several southern Iowa counties already.
SO--Enjoy riding the Wet Weather Trails--and remember, the Dirt Trails are CLOSED as rains continue still.
May your troubles be less, your blessing more, and may nothing but happiness come through your door.
Enjoy your time in the forest!
courtesy Lora Conrad
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