Shimek DNR Personnel

The responsibility for the 9,000+ acres of Shimek State Forest -- including developing its timber resources, protecting its natural resources, offering renewable, recreational opportunities for Iowa citizens and sustaining this wonderful resource for future generations falls on the shoulders of the DNR staff assigned to Shimek State Forest.  The Friends of Shimek support and assist the DNR staff in this effort. 

Meet the DNR staff at Shimek:
John Byrd - Area Forester

"My career as a forester started back in spring of 1995. Oddly enough, I was a business student at the University of Northern Iowa (UNI). I was leaving class, business quantitative statistics (yuck), on a nice sunny and warm day. Other students were running around playing frisbee, basketball, sun bathing, etc. This was the point when I decided sitting in an office was going to make me miserable.

In the summer of 1996 I started as a seasonal employee at Lake Anita State Park. My initial decision was to become a park ranger --- I did not think anything about forestry. I spent one more year at UNI while talking to advisors from ISU and taking classes that I needed for transfer. So, in the fall of 1997 I enrolled in ISU, now seeking a degree in Forest Resource Management. Through the next 2 years I worked for a professor who was studying biomass in hybrid poplar for use as fuel in power plants.
This was very interesting work dealing with genetics to find the most productive poplar trees through cross pollination and grafting techniques. As interesting as all the lab and field work was, I was still looking graduation in the face with no job offer.
In November of 1999, I interviewed for a position at Pathfinder’s RC&D in Fairfield. The position was for a consulting forester that would assist private landowners with tree planting, timber sales, forest management, and many other aspects of managing timber and land. The job was a dream come true plus now I had a job to move into the next month when I graduated. From December 1999 until April of 2005 I worked with many landowners and things were great. I learned a lot about southeast Iowa and forestry. An opportunity became available for me to advance my career as Area Forester at Shimek State Forest.
This is the point where it can be said that we know the rest of the story, but there are always opportunities for me to learn more with the diverse amount of management required in Shimek State Forest. My hopes and aspirations for Shimek are to make it the model for how things should be managed for the multiple use concept and to serve as a demonstration for anyone wanting to manage their land/timber. "

John works with the Volunteers . …      OR...

He gives Volunteers and the DNR crew their work assignments.


"Since I am not an equestrian, working with FOS volunteers has added another dimension to managing the forest for multiple uses. The volunteers have helped tremendously to improve trails and resources for equestrians while assisting us to protect Shimek resources."

Contact John at Iowa Department of Natural Resources
 Phone 319.878.3811 | Fax 319.878.3821,, 33653 Route J56,  Farmington, IA 52626

DNR Full-Time Staff at Shimek State Forest
Shown after a morning of hard work on the equestrian trails are (left to right):
Eric Martin,  Ben Hassman, John Byrd and Heath Fraise. 
Who do you Thank when the big trees blocking trails disappear, when Wet Weather Trails are developed, when new parking areas are cleared, and rock is spread, when broken water pipes are fixed, when new gravel is hauled in or any problem is solved at Shimek ---these guys!!  All Friends of Shimek activities are a joint effort with the DNR crew both full-time and part-time.  All accomplishments at Shimek are possible only because of the leadership of Forester John Byrd and the cooperation of he and his crew. Friends of Shimek are pleased to work with this fine crew.


Technician who joined the DNR Shimek Crew in September 2018:

 Patrick Thomas from near Milton, Iowa joined the DNR Shimek crew in September as a Technician assigned part-time at Shimek Forest and part-time at Lacey-Keosauqua Park.    Patrick kindly volunteered to work the DNR Crew and FOS Volunteers for the group workday held shortly before he began as an employee.  Campers see him around on the weekends at Shimek to assist or direct as needed.  He has primary responsibility for the campgrounds and has been leading efforts to improve the campgrounds. 


For more information about Shimek State Forest, see

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