Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Trails Open 6-1-20

6/3/20 Note: Please be aware the Dirt trails while open are still wet in low areas. Some places have damage from riders and are still soggy.

The summer heat is upon us.  Please remember to hydrate your horse and yourself.  Take a break under many of the beautiful trees and rest.  Let the summer breeze (if you can find one) cool you down during your ride.

Here are a few things to consider while out enjoying your ride, hike, or drive.

Please be courteous to anyone you meet along your path.  Share a smile, a tip of the hat, or even a brief conversation while observing their and your social distance.  Be mindful of each others needs or concerns.

 It's been a long stressful few months of uncertain times.  Let's help everyone feel good about being out and enjoy your time in the forest.

May the sun shine fully in your face, may the breeze softly blow against your back, and may you find peace in your venture throughout the forest.

Happy Trails



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