First Day Hike
Welcome to 2022
The purpose of the Friends of Shimek is to support the DNR staff in developing and maintaining the Shimek campgrounds and equestrian trails consistent with good forestry practices and the protection of our state's natural resources. The Lick Creek Unit has two public equestrian campgrounds with over 25 miles of trails for equestrians, bicyclists and hikers in Shimek's Lick Creek Unit. The two primitive campgrounds are White Oak and Bitternut Campgrounds.
First Day Hike
Welcome to 2022
The trails are OPEN.
There are still muddy spots. The leaves on the trails can also be very slick. Please use caution when riding the dirt trails.
Forester John Byrd notified us that all equestrian trails are open. Exercise caution regarding hunting seasons. Dates posted on our Facebook site and blog. FOS Board Member Marsha Achenbach rode the trails this morning and made the following comment: "Stay alert on the footing. Dirt trails not exactly "dry". Building leaf cover keeps moisture there and keeps the trails still slickery. Also covers up erosion areas, rocks, tree debris. Had good ride this AM on some dirt trails-- just hope riders are aware and ride safe. Beautiful out there."
Stay Safe!
Fall is definitely in full swing. The temperatures have dropped to the seasonal cool, damp, wet characteristics that goes along with fall. Leaves are dropping with a hint of color starting to show in the trees. It is the time of year that campfires and hot cocoa warm the soul. The campgrounds are open to all that want to brave the cool weather.
As many of you know with the unpredictable fall weather, changes have been implemented as to where we can safely ride and enjoy the forest.
Forester John Byrd reported that Shimek Forest had 2.4 inches of rain yesterday (10/24). As a result, the dirt trails are muddy and have been closed. The Wet Weather Trails remain open at this time.
Get out and enjoy the brisk fall days as long as they last. Winter will be upon us soon enough.
May your days be bright and your soul filled with cheer.
Until we meet on the trail again, stay safe and stay warm.
The trails are open!!!
Cans were sorted and
Additional stalls are in the works.
Would you like to help make this possible?
Being able to secure your horse/mule/donkey in a stall is a comforting feeling as you are sitting around the campfire visiting with friends or when you turn in for the night. Each stall provides ample room for your animal to rest and relax. The stalls also provide shelter from inclement weather, pesky flies, and the hot sun.
Please consider the well being of your prize possession (horse/mule/donkey) if you would like to contribute for the construction of more stalls.
May the trails your ride be a blessing to you and others you encounter along the way!
Any and all available volunteers are welcome to lend a helping hand.
Come join other friends of Shimek at the Lick Creek Lower Campground on Wednesday, July 7th at 8:30 AM at the gravel circle as you first arrive at the campground. Forester John Byrd will give us an update on what is happening at Shimek. Then he and Work Day Coordinator Ringo Covert will assign work day tasks, volunteers will sign liability forms and volunteer log. After a morning of work, all will return to the Lower Campground at noon to report back on progress, then rest a while with friends. Bring a sack lunch (if you like), water provided. Don't forget your blaze orange Friends of Shimek work vest if you have one. There will be some loaners available to identify all of us as volunteers. Remember—no previous volunteer experience necessary. The threat of COVID-19 is not gone, so people will be distributed around the camp to work and out onto the trails to work. Extra care to socially distance, wear gloves and masks as appropriate is advised.
Areas where work is needed include the following. In campgrounds: putting gravel around hitching rails, fire rings cleaned, lime placed in stalls, sort recycle cans. On the trails: pick up cans and bottle, clear downed trees, cut back multi-flora. If you plan to bring an ATV and/or chains saw, please contact Forester John Byrd in advance (319-878-3811).
Should weather cause cancellation, it will be posted on FB and sent to the FOS e-mail list and to anyone who has responded that they will attend. RSVP, if desired, to
Lets make some Happy Trails
Effective 6-24-21 per Shimek DNR staff
The dirt trails are CLOSED. Too much rain has left them wet, slippery, or standing in water.
The Wet Weather Trail is open for use.
We will post a new alert once the dirt trails are open for riding again.
Please spread the word on the trail conditions.
Until we meet again.
Happy Trails
Lick Creek Bridge is officially closed!
There is access to Lick Creek road.
Want to ride in the Lick Creek Unit of Shimek?
You can still get there - you just have to travel a little bit further to reach your destination.
Reminder: According to DOT, they will close Highway 2 for through traffic between Farmington and Donnellson beginning April 7th. Traffic from Farmington to the Lick Creek entrance WILL BE OPEN! See this Map from DOT. To get to the Lick Creek entrance which is immediately west of the "Lick Creek Bridge Project" on the map, you must drive from Farmington east on Highway 2. (They are replacing the Lick Creek Bridge. ) You may encounter construction crews and equipment on that section of highway 2, so you need to be extra careful and expect possible delays.
As always, please stay clear of the construction site. Be mindful of any construction equipment or workers along the road or site area.
Let make the best of this inconvenience and still enjoy a summer full of camping, riding, and hiking.
I hope to see you along the trail one day soon!
FAIRFIELD, Iowa – Mar. 22, 2021 – Replacement of the Iowa 2 bridge over Lick Creek (4.3 miles east of the junction with Iowa 81) east of Farmington, and the bridge over Sugar Creek (1.8 miles west of U.S. 218), will require closing the road to traffic over the Lick Creek bridge beginning at 8 a.m. Monday, Mar. 29, until late-June, weather permitting, according to the Iowa Department of Transportation’s Fairfield construction office.
Once the Lick Creek bridge opens, the Sugar Creek bridge will close for construction. The bridge projects will be coordinated so the Iowa 2 bridges are not closed at the same time.
Lick Creek Project: This project involves removing the existing steel girder and floor beam bridge and replacing it with a single span beam bridge. The project will also involve raising the grade, erosion control, paving the shoulders, and installing new guardrail.
Sugar Creek Project: This project involves removing the existing steel I-beam/concrete beam bridge and replacing it with a pretensioned, prestressed concrete beam bridge. The project will also involve raising the grade, erosion control, paving the shoulders, and installing new guardrail.
Detour Route: Through traffic on Iowa 2 will be detoured using U.S. 218, Lee County Road J-40/160th Street, and Lee County Road W-46/100th Avenue. It is anticipated the detour will be in place for most of the construction season. Local traffic will have access to Iowa 2 except for the bridges crossing over Lick Creek and Sugar Creek (see map).
Additional shoulder construction and micro surfacing operations will be active along Iowa 2. Flaggers, pilot cars and signalized lights will be in place to assist motorists in getting around the work zones.
The Iowa DOT reminds motorists to drive with caution, obey the posted speed limit and other signs in the work area, and be aware that traffic fines for moving violations are at least double in work zones. As in all work zones, drivers should stay alert, allow ample space between vehicles, and wear seat belts.
The latest traveler information is available anytime through our 511 system. Visit; call 511 (within Iowa) or 800-288-1047 (nationwide); stay connected with 511 on Facebook or Twitter (find links at
It’s easy to subscribe to Your 511 and sign up to receive the email/text alerts. Visit to sign up. For instructions and help for this feature, visit
Contact: Hector Torres-Cacho at 641-469-4007 or
Camp Fees have increased.
Before you drop your deposit in the box, make sure you have enclosed the correct amount.
Just a friendly reminder of the DNR fee changes statewide announced earlier this year.
Lick Creek overnight camping fee for both Upper and Lower campgrounds has increased.
New Fee is $13 per night
October 16, 2021 to April 30, 2022 the fee will be $10
The news we have all been waiting for has arrived!
Update on roads and trails at Shimek Lick Creek Unit.
Forester John Byrd advised today (3/10) that roads are clear and passable now. Wet Weather Trails are open and good for riding.
All dirt trails still closed due to some very slimy spots and downed trees. Please stay off of the dirt trails - they will be opened as soon as firm enough for riding.
Campgrounds are clear of snow but ground off the gravel pads VERY soft so take care if you pull into a camping space to stay on the pad.
Upper day parking is clear. Lower day parking is still partly occupied by logs, but they are being removed.
As always, be mindful of fellow riders and hikers. We need to share the trails in a joyful and cheerful manner. Take time to be respectful and responsible for the items you carry along. (if you have room to carry a bottle, can, or snack in, you have room to bring it back out with you.) Please help keep the trails clean and well maintained.
Have a safe and wonderful time within the forest.
Happy Trails
Entrance to Shimek Forest
Oh the weather outside is delightful. I'm so ready to go riding it is frightful.
Oh wait - winter is not quite over yet!
It's so hard to wait! Here is want the conditions look like at Shimek Lick Creek right now. We better think twice before hooking up and heading out.
Update on the status of Lick Creek Roads - Road and Equestrian Campgrounds in Shimek as of 2/25/2021. As the snow turns to icy slush, road conditons are, if anything, even worse that earlier as the mud season creeps even closer. John Byrd, Forester said: "The roads are VERY SLOPPY."