Monday, June 22, 2015

Friends of Shimek Group Work Day Scheduled for July Cancelled

Cancellation Notice
After heavy rains this past weekend and another .7 inches of rain on July 8th at Shimek--there is no way that the trails will be dry enough to go out on with ATV's and mowers to work without damaging the trails and increasing the risk to volunteers.   As a result Forester John Byrd and FOS have cancelled the Saturday July 11th work day. 

If it ever gets dry, we will have some extra called work days as we will have so very much trail maintenance and gravel work to do. 

DNR Technician Cody Brothersen has the campgrounds in good shape and when the funds arrive for the grant we have been awarded by the Lee County Charitable Fund, we will call for help to build the new kiosks.


Saturday, June 13, 2015

What's Happening at Shimek -June 12, 2015

 Soggy trails have been the rule so far this year...but for this weekend, unless there is yet more rain, the Wet Weather Trail is open. Please, Please--ride only on the WWT or next time there are wet conditions, Forester John Byrd will have to close all the trails to try to prevent damage to the dirt trails. There are maps in the campgrounds and on our blog that show the WWT---but then its not too hard---its the graveled trail (except where it runs along the main highway which is muddy grass a this point). See the map and the rules on a separate page of this  BlogSpot.

Those people riding the trails when they are closed (and some other riders) are leaving behind their beer cans--and that means work for other people-- all of us that volunteer and pick them up! We don't pick them up because of the few cents they bring to recycle but to return the appearance of the trails to their natural beauty. None of us want to ride through trash. So--practice and preach "Carry it in, carry it out!" .

The DNR Technician can not be there all the time to monitor where people are riding--we can not just leave it to DNR. We as the users of these trails must respect the rules and protect the resources and speak out to and about those who do not, as peer pressure is important in getting cooperation on following the rules. Of course, a few tickets costing $127.50 given to people who have repeatedly broken the rules is a big help!

Right now, it looks like FOS will not hold its group work day until July 11, the next regularly scheduled date. However, that does not mean nothing has been done. In the campgrounds, DNR Technician Cody Brothersen, working on his own time as a volunteer, Chelsie Rohrs and two other FOS Volunteers worked on replacing weak hitching post rails this past week. Cody has been very dedicated to improving the appearance and condition of the campgrounds. Right now, FOS is seeking funding support to replace the information kiosks at the Lick Creek campgrounds as well as those at Bitternut and White Oak non-equestrian campgrounds. The current ones are over twenty years old, deteriorated and some were damaged in the vandalism. Its time for some kiosks that can provide a reliable information source for campers. Cody has in fact already begun construction of the ones in White Oak and Bitternut. In addition, when there was a day or two of drier weather, John Byrd and crew began clearing/widening the 2.2 miles he plans to add to the WWT this summer---if it ever gets to be dry enough to haul and spread rock!

Riders have reported that what we can see of  the dirt trails is badly overgrown (did you notice how vigorously the multi-flora have been growing and blooming everywhere?)  with the wet conditions, unable to mow and clear, and less riding on them. We will be busy July11th---hope the weather is good that day.

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