Sunday, January 20, 2013

FOS President Ann Bennett is 2013 Iowa Horse Council Horsewoman of the Year!

The Iowa Horse Council (IHC) named our Friends of Shimek President as their 2013 Horsewoman of the Year.  The award was presented by IHC President Bill Paynter at the IHC annual meeting at Ames, IA on Saturday, Janaury 19, 2013.    In addition to the plaque she was presented, a plaque with her name and those of other IHC award recipients is on permanent display in the Clubhouse at Prairie Meadows Racetrack and Casino in Altoona, IA. 

Ann was nominated for the award by the Iowa Trail Riders Association and the Great River Classical Horsemanship Association. The IHC criteria for the award are that the recipients should display the highest attributes of sportsmanship and their careers should be marked with honesty and a genuine effort to improve the conditions of horses and horse people. One of the many people who endorsed the nomination, her friend Nancy Grams, wrote:
Ann has been able to translate her love of the horse into a hard-won knowledge of the horse, and then use that knowledge to help the horse and to help people understand the horse.  Through that understanding her students develop the ability to communicate with the horse in a way that builds a positive human-horse relationship, which then allows their horses to live in a fear-free environment where they can think and learn (instead of react).  From this, that she provides, horses and people are enabled to develop positive, long-lasting bonds of trust.  This is true horsemanship.

Pictured are Ann Bennett and some of the people that came to cheer her  when she received the Horsewoman of the Year Award from the Iowa Horse Council.  They are (left to right):  Lora Conrad, Barb Schmidt, Kristi Schaaf, Ann Bennett holding her award plaque, Judy Duke, Lorraine Madsen, Lara Schenck, Art Duke, Denise Schieffer, and Ann's husband, John Bennett.  (Photo by Kathryn Mettenburg)  Others, in addition to IHC members, who came to support Ann but are not in the picture, were Randy Dillon, Dianne Lacina, Nan Barta, and Ann's brother and his family-- John, Mary Helen, Joe and Kathryn Mettenburg.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Celebrating one full year....

Friends of Shimek (FOS) celebrated their first full year of operation as a state of Iowa non-profit organization last week. The board and volunteers from around southeast Iowa (21 in all) gathered at Little Mexico Restaurant in Mt. Pleasant for dinner, a business meeting and an awards program on January 5, 2013. 

Board members and officers for 2013 are Ann Bennett, President, Marsha Achenbach, Vice-President, Debbie Miller, Treasurer, Lora Conrad, Secretary/Editor and Neal Hartman and Ringo Covert, Members-at-large. John Byrd, Shimek Forester, is the Board Adviser.
                                     (Front) Ringo Covert, Neal Hartman, and Ann Bennett;
                          (back) John Byrd, Lora Conrad, Marsha Achenbach, Debbie Miller

Honored at the dinner were the 2011 Volunteer of the Year and the 2012 Volunteer of the Year. The Volunteer Awards are made possible by a grant from Dr. & Mrs. John Bennett. The award is given annually to a volunteer that made exceptional contributions during the previous year.    Each honoree was presented with a certificate and a hand crafted wooden bowl made from local wood by artisan Bob Achenbach of Keosauqua.

  The 2011 Bennett Volunteer Award Winner was Jewel Marie McDonald who used her MorningStar Studio facilities and time to hold a fund-raiser Yoga Workshop in 2011 and ,in fact, did so again in 2012.
The 2012 Bennett Volunteer Award winner was Carol Eilers. Carol is the publisher and owner of Apple 'n Oats magazine. In each issue since FOS was founded she has included information about our group and its activities. In the 2012-2013 Winter issue, she gave FOS a two page, color spread to show what FOS volunteers have been doing and promote FOS.
During 2012, FOS held four group work days to paint tables, pick up cans and trash on the trails and in camp, repair horse stalls and gates, spread lime chips and rocks, clip back brush and multi-flora rose on the trails and clear downed trees from trails. Volunteers also painted the many posts that had to be replaced after vandals destroyed them this summer. Volunteers and DNR staff worked together to improve the campground and trails. A total of 432 hours of volunteer time went into this work and the development of FOS and fund raising activities. As of the end of December, FOS has raised over $1,400, most of which will go toward the re-roofing of the horse stalls. Since re-roofing of a current pen structure is estimated to cost about $3,000 and replacing the structure entirely is estimated to cost about $6,000, additional funds are needed.

The Iowa deposit cans and bottles recycling program at Shimek raised almost $300 in 2012. Riders should put their deposit cans in the cages at the equestrian campgrounds. On the group work days, bring sorted, clean cans from home to be redeemed and recycled by FOS. For 2013, FOS has initiated a Pack it in—Pack it out! Campaign asking people to not toss cans and bottles or other trash along the trails. Trash makes work for others and wastes the time of volunteers that could be used to improve the trails and facilities.

To contact FOS, send an e-mail to John Byrd at or Lora Conrad at .

2nd Equestrian Yoga Fund Raiser

The 2nd Annual Fundraiser for Friends of Shimek:
Horse Sense Yoga--Not Just For Equestrians
was held recently at Morning Star Studio, upstairs on the east side of the square in Fairfield, IA.
Friends of Shimek President Ann Bennett submitted the following comments:
A special thank you to Jewel McDonald and Morningstar Studio for hosting an equestrian yoga workshop on Saturday, Nov 17th, to benefit Friends of Shimek. Four participants enjoyed the educational power point presentation, learning some breathing exercises, some standing and floor and chair yoga, finding our center and our seat bones, discovering our bubbling spring and better alignment over our feet, and practicing some balancing and strengthening poses. We took home an outline of different mudras demonstrated with photographs of Judy Duke and Hawk. A total of $165 was donated to Freinds of Shimek and there is still time to send your donation even if you missed out on the workshop.
Can you make a donation to Friends of Shimek?
Anyone who can send a year end donation to Friends of Shimek, may send their check made out to Friends of Shimek to the Treasurer, Debbie Miller, 2317 256th St., Montrose, IA 52639.

Posted by PicasaThank You, Jewel!